Sunday, 28 June 2009

This last month...

I've been playing a lot more than I've been blogging even if I did promise myself that I was going to keep my blogging up. Ah well! :)

So what have I've been playing lately. Let me think...

I've got a chance to do a review of "Star Ocean: The Last Hope" for Girl Gamers UK. Check it out here. JRPGs are not really my usual style but I've actually enjoyed playing it on some level. Still not completed it even though I've put a LOT of hours into it. I have a feeling it's one of those games that go on and on. Bought a strategy guide for it the other day at Gamestation (something that I don't usually do), so I'll have a go at making my way closer to the end with some guided instructions from the other side of the sofa. From what I've read it's a game that you'll probably have to play through more than once to complete everything. And I have to complete everything - not that I'm an Xbox achievement whore or anything. ;D

We've also been playing a lot more of Gears of War 1 & 2 and Left 4 Dead. Starting to enjoy being a killer! That's a big step up from my usually puzzle adventure style. Actually really looking forward to the new map pack update for Gears which is being released in July. Never thought I'd here myself say I was looking forward to an FPS.

These last few days I've been playing Gun and I've actually managed to complete it (woohoo!) - on easy, but completed nonetheless. It's fairly quick to play through and you get a lot of achievements along the way without having to try too hard. Now I just need to play it through on Normal, Hard and Insane! Gun is probably not the best game ever released but there's something immensely satisfying about riding around on a horse looking for gold whilst shooting peoples heads off! We're going to be writing a review of Gun for Game People over this next week or so which should be fun. (My other half has just completed the game whilst I've been writing this post). I'll probably end up saying "You're messing with the wrong Hoodoo" a couple of times (AKA a lot!) whilst writing the review, but hey - it makes me laugh for some bizarre reason. It will probably drive him insane before I get tired of saying it, but that's the kind of thing he has had to put up with living with me over these last 10 years so he is used to it by now. :D

Also bought Army of Two, Halo 3 and Overlord on Friday, but not really tried them out properly yet. No doubt my next post will be about those games.

Off to play some more games now.
